Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsible Tourism
As a responsible stakeholder of tourism in Nepal, we oblige to our duty of making the community a better place. We envision, only a better community can sustain throughout the time. Our primary motive is to introduce the concept of self-sustenance through tourism, and offer basic health, medical, sanitation and education to the under-privileged communities.
We work closely with the Pioneer Foundation Nepal (PFN), a non-profit entity based in Kathmandu. It was founded with the aim of uplifting the under-privileged, impoverished and marginalized communities. Their entire field-projects account for uplifting the rural villages located outside the capital city, Kathmandu.
Along with PFN, we offered our help towards the poorer communities in Nepal immediately after the major earthquake of April 2015. We helped raise sufficient fund to build temporary shelters and provide rations. Today, we are working along to build a school and providing education to children.
• Long-term/short-term rehabilitation of the earthquake victims.
• Advocating and raising fund for the primary education to the children in the rural areas.
• Advocating the concept of sustainable tourism in the villages.
• Offering basic medical assistance and sanitation in the earthquake stricken areas.
• Advocating volunteer based teaching.
You can consider donating the fund to help our and PFN’s cause, or choose to volunteer with to provide education in one of the rural villages of Nepal.
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